
1、商品授權 被授權商可以運用 WinBrothers 的人物及造型圖案在商品的設計開發上,並取得銷售權,如服飾、文具、玩具、禮品、家用品、食物、飲料等。

3、主題授權 被授權商可運用所 WinBrothers 之所屬商標、人物及造型圖案為主題,策劃並經營主題項目,如幼兒園、餐廳、遊樂園等。

2、促銷授權 被授權方可以運用 WinBrothers 的人物及產品與促銷活動結合,規劃主體廣告、創意主題活動、促銷活動結合贈品以促進產品的銷售率。

4、通路授權 被授權商可加入做 WinBrothers 的連鎖專賣店和連鎖專賣專櫃,統一銷售授權品牌的商品。

除以上四種通用授權方式外,代言授權、遊戲授權、媒體授權也是我們的授權方式。 提携網路合作、開發商品、視覺設計都是我們的合作項目。



♥.......Licensing and partnership......♥

- Merchandising licensing -

The licensee is authorized to use the characters and design of WinBrothers to manufacture, distribute and sell the licensed merchandise.  Including apparel, stationery, toys, gifts, household items, food and beverage, among many others.

- Subject licensing -

The licensee is authorized to use WinBrothers characters and design at the kindergarten, restaurant, cafe, theme park etc.

- Promotion licensing -

The licensee is authorized to use WinBrothers characters and merchandise as premiums in commercial event. To increase the number of consumers and business achievement as well.  The WinBrothers characters also could be the media spokesman for sales promotion.

- Place licensing -

A licensee could act as a franchisee, to run a WinBrothers store or counter. To sell the licensed merchandise of WinBrothers.

Our company also provides services of endorsement licensing, game licensing, media authorization, online co-op, product development and visual design.